Discovery Workshops

Through a discovery workshop, complex projects can be easily simplified resulting in a structured roadmap and clear requirements that align with your goals.
Our experts will help you deeply analyse your idea or project, clarify your vision, and save hundreds of development hours.
The Why

Why is a discovery workshop important for your project?

A discovery workshop usually lasts from 2-to-4 days depending on the scope of the project. By the end of it you should have a structured roadmap to accomplish set goals.

  • For complex projects, a discovery workshop is a necessity
  • It builds a common understanding of the project direction
  • It aligns all stakeholders towards a common outcome, and
  • Minimises the risk of building the wrong thing

Key Objectives

A Discovery Workshop is conducted with the main aim to assess the scope of the project. Here are a few objectives of a discovery workshop process that are significantly important:

Business Goals

When establishing project goals, it’s helpful to use the SMART method to guide the process. This acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Using the SMART method to define project goals can help workshop participants ensure they’re setting realistic and attainable expectations for the team.

Value Proposition

It is very important to spend some time crafting an excellent value proposition.

It would require brainstorming and research to find out what is the most the market demands are and how your product fits in and fulfills those demands and needs.

Problem Validation

The value proposition, target market, company goals, business strategy, and unique selling points should be the focus of a discovery workshop. The priority should be on the problem validation.

Instead of trying to figure out how it works, it would be beneficial to focus on lowering the risk of producing something that no one needs or wants.

Discovery Workshop

Discovery Workshops at LogicalCube

Our Discovery Workshop combines the most effective techniques – like Event Storming, Value Proposition Canvas, and Design Sprint.

Combining these makes the workshop unique and eye-opening for our clients.

During the session, you’ll gain deep knowledge of your project’s complexity, identify and address bottlenecks and consider a technical approach.

LogicalCube specialises in conducting discovery workshops for clients from various industries and countries. Our workshops can last from 2-to-5 days, and they’re always tailored to your business needs. You’ll work with an experienced facilitator, a technical person, and a business expert.

We can facilitate remote or onsite discovery workshops. We make sure the workshop goes smoothly, use the best tools to provide you with the desired results, and engage 100% in each project.

What is the discovery workshop approach?

A discovery workshop is a specific activity of the discovery phase that aims to put key stakeholders in a room together for the specific purpose of ideating and defining the project objectives, requirements, and expected outcomes.

What is the purpose of a discovery workshop?

A discovery workshop is the initial meeting that takes place during the discovery phase of the project. This project management phase is essential because it helps the project members, team members, and stakeholders understand what’s needed for the project.

What happens after Discovery Workshop?

By the end of a discovery workshop, we outline business goals and objectives and streamline the entire development process. Participating in discovery workshop activities help anticipate critical business challenges that may come up during the development phase.

What are the outcomes of discovery session?

The ideal outcome of the discovery session is to gain a solid understanding of the project’s main components: problem, scope, schedule, and costs. To reach this knowledge during the discovery meeting, we’ll focus on the big picture first, and then try to go from the general to the specific.

What are the typical next steps after a discovery workshop?

After the workshop ends, we are able to clearly understand the vision and purpose of the project. We use the information gathered in the workshop to create a detailed plan, which includes the team members working on the project (resource planning), project delivery phases and the resources to complete the project successfully. A statement of work for project delivery is provided together with proposed budget.

Ready to Get Started?

Book a Discovery Workshop

Validate your solution with experts.